Brad Olson  |  President & CEO
Olson Research Associates, Inc.
2500 Wallington Way #101
Marriottsville, MD 21104
410-290-6999 x203


Brad is President and CEO of Olson Research.  Since joining the firm in 1989 Brad has guided the firm from its focus on custom A/L modeling software to its web-based service bureau product A/L BENCHMARKS. Brad is also one of the key developers of the firm’s training & education programs, including their highly interactive simulation BANKdynamics.

During his time with the firm Brad has helped design three generations of Olson’s financial modeling tools and now serves as the firm's Chief Executive.  Brad received his BS in Computer Science from East Carolina University, and his MBA from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

On a day-to-day basis, he works directly with bankers, examiners, and auditors, helping them measure and monitor interest rate risk (IRR). He has developed several live in-person workshops used by large bank training programs as well as online courses to teach Interest Rate Risk Management for state bank examiners.  In addition, he conducts educational seminars for various state banking associations and banking schools. He has also been a regular presenter at various industry association conferences.